The Lady Le Faye

  • MOON Aquarius SUN Leo

    Full Moon meditation As the Sun will be moving into Leo at 1:57am AEST & the Moon into Aquarius at 4:08am AEST Tuesday the 28th, I will be performing this meditation at Moon rise tomorrow. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit for the duration of this meditation. Light a candle, burn incense, create…

  • MOON Cancer SUN Cancer

    DARK MOON RITE You will need a bowl of water (preferably rain or spring or sea or river or lake) chamomile flowers a wand salt (preferably rock or sea) a candle (preferably white or pink) incense (preferably myrrh) The Rite Prepare you body, mind, spirit, set your space (place all of the items mentioned…

  • YULE – The Winter Solstice

    The longest night will be on Friday the 21st of June… tomorrow. I will be sharing a lovely story-telling, dream-pillow-making, soup-eating, mulled-wine-drinking evening with some wonderfully magickal folks to celebrate this festival. I will also be stepping through 3 gateways during the course of the longest night to honour this time & encourage my…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    DARK MOON MIRROR MAGICK You will need: pen & paper a mirror cloth & methylated spirits salt candle incense Set your sacred space & call your circle as you desire. Begin by writing on the paper a list of all the things about you that seem to contradict each other. For example, I am…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

    This eclipse gate is an opportunity to gather valuable information & understand this information within the context of your life. We can do this by searching the deep dark places & facing the shadows with courage, bringing to them clarity & cutting through all the things that may be holding you back… Sound like…

  • MOON Taurus SUN Taurus Solar Eclipse

    Begin by marking your circle space with a combination of ground salt & rosemary. Then stand in the center with your arms outstretched, palms facing up. In this pose welcome Earth, Air, Fire & Water, welcome your ancestors, welcome Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine, welcome all of Creation. If you wish it, feel free…

  • Samhain Incense blend

    Aurora & I came up with this blend for our gathering this Samhain… Sage Wormwood Rose Rosemary Nutmeg Cinnamon Mugwort Bay Myrrh Patchouli )O(

  • Samhain & the Meet the Wytches gathering

    Tonight we meet by my hearth to remember our ancestors, our beloved dead & our deepest most ancient selves. Under the watchful presence of Hekate & Cernunnos we will light the candles & burn the offerings to show our respect & reverence for the thinning of the veil & the longer reach of our…

  • Eclipse MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

    Last night I dreamed that I was standing at the edge of cliff looking out to the deep dark body of Mother Ocean. As I stood there I was overwhelmed with love & sorrow & humble appreciation of this glorious life. I wept, oh how I sobbed & bawled, & my tears flowed directly…

  • Full Moon in Virgo

    You will need: pen & paper, Moon offering (such as flowers or baked goods or menstrual blood) Find a quiet place where you can stand undisturbed under the light of the Full Moon. Stand with your bare feet on the Earth, your knees slightly bent, your tail bone tucked under, your spine straight, your fingertips…

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